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Stamping process

his is an interesting process that involves shaping metals through compression. Zhongsheng progressive die stamping instead of other methods and dies, press machines, as well as variety of metals including steel and aluminum to achieve best shapes and sizes. Stamping can be done in large quantities at a high accuracy level for mass production while not being cost effective or feasible using alternative methods. Best 1 of the industry: techniques approach (tomorrow’s metalworking trends) plus some hints to make things easier than expected

Everything about Art of Stamping

Blanking, piercing, forming, bending are a number of various techniques used in Stamping processes. Blanking requires removing flat shapes from a sheet of metal; while piercing consists in cutting out places from thin strips or foils. Forming implies creation of various shapes and features with the use of cold forging machinery; bending represents making angles in the surfaces. All these techniques (and more) work together to produce the intricate patterns.

Why choose Zhongsheng Stamping process?

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